4 Natural Science and Technology Textbooks with Videos, Grades 4-6
These are four engaging texts with worksheets in the student version, and a teacher edition giving explanations and answers for each one. They cover these subject areas, as listed below: plants, animals, food, matter and materials, energy, electricity, earth, and the solar system. The folders linked below also contain teaching videos and documents that supplement the content discussed and taught in each textbook.
Grade 4, Part 1 - Natural Sciences and Technology Textbook with Videos
Life and Living
- Living And Non-Living Things
-Structure Of Plants And Animals
-What Plants Need To Grow
-Habitats Of Animals And Plants
-Structures For Animal Shelters
Matter And Materials
-Materials Around Us
-Solid Materials
-Strengthening Materials
-Strong Frame Structures
Grade 4, Part 2 - Natural Sciences and Technology Textbook with Videos
Energy And Change
-Energy And Energy Transfer
-Energy Around Us
-Movement And Energy In A System
-Energy And Sound
Earth And Beyond
-Planet Earth
-The Sun
-The Earth And The Sun
-Rocket Systems
-The Moon
Grade 6, Part 1 - Natural Sciences and Technology Textbook with Videos
Life and Living
-Nutrients in food
-Food Processing
-Ecosystems and Foodwebs
Matter and Materials
-Solids, Liquids And Gases
-Solutions As Special Mixtures
-Mixtures And Water Resources
-Processes To Purify Water
Grade 6, Part 2 - Natural Sciences and Technology Textbook with Videos
Energy and Change
-Electric Circuits
-Electrical Conductors and Insulators
-Systems to Solve Problems
-Where Electricity Comes From
Earth and Beyond
-The Solar System
-Movements of the Earth and Planets
-The Movement of the Moon
-Systems to Explore the Moon and Mars
-Systems for Looking into Space
-love learning -your best ed lessons guru, Scott
The Best Freely Accessible Educational Lessons for Primary, Middle and High School Students, Teachers and Homeschool
Tuesday, April 30, 2019
Sunday, April 28, 2019
30 Geography and Map Lessons & Activities with Maps of the 50 States
30 Geography and Map Lessons & Activities with Maps of the 50 States
These lessons, activities, worksheets, maps directly accessible in the above link are for various grade levels, as are the 50 States Maps with Counties and the 50 States Congressional Maps. Included is a nice lesson unit with all supplemental materials titled The Fifty States Geography Unit for grades 4-6. Also included here are two these two textbooks: Home Geography For Primary Grades, by C.C. Long and Elementary Geography by Charlotte Mason, with illustrations and maps.
-love learning -your best ed lessons guru, Scott
These lessons, activities, worksheets, maps directly accessible in the above link are for various grade levels, as are the 50 States Maps with Counties and the 50 States Congressional Maps. Included is a nice lesson unit with all supplemental materials titled The Fifty States Geography Unit for grades 4-6. Also included here are two these two textbooks: Home Geography For Primary Grades, by C.C. Long and Elementary Geography by Charlotte Mason, with illustrations and maps.
- 3rd Grade Geography Lesson Unit
- Congressional Districts of the 116th Congress of the U.S.
- Different Types of Maps Presentation
- Elementary Geography by Charlotte Mason with Illustrations and Maps
- Geo-Spatial Thinking Activities and Resources for Teachers
- Geography Food For Thought Worksheets, Grades 8-10
- Geography of the US, Student Reader and Teacher Guide, Grade 5, CoreKnowledge
- Geography Study Guide Practice, 7 pages
- Google Earth Lesson for Grades 6-12
- Guide to Historic Maps as Teaching Tools, Grades 5-8
- History and Geography -The Renaissance and the Age of Exploration, G6-8
- Home Geography For Primary Grades, by CC Long, large font
- Home Geography For Primary Grades, by CC Long, smaller font
- How Latitude, Elevation, and Local Geography Affect Climate Lesson, Grades 5-8
- Human Urban Geography AP, HS
- Latitude and Longitude Reading and Study
- Map of US State Capital Locations
- Map Skills Activities from National Geographic, Grade K-6
- Mapmaking Guide, Grades 3-5
- Mapmaking Guide, Grades 6-8
- Mapmaking Guide, Grades 9-12
- Mapmaking Guide, Grades K-2
- Mapping and Analyzing Race and Ethnicity, Student and Teacher, Grades 8-12
- Maps and MapMakers, Seeing What’s On the Map Activity, Middle School-HS
- The Fifty States Geography Unit, Grade 5
- United States Time Zone Map
- US Geography Handouts, Grades 3-6
- US Map of National Parks
- Using Density to Understand Land Use , Student and Teacher, Grades 11-12
- What Role Does Geography Play in the Census, Student and Teacher, Grades 8-12
- World Atlas Map
-love learning -your best ed lessons guru, Scott
Tuesday, April 23, 2019
75 Earth Science & Climate Lessons, Activities & Learning Videos
75 Earth Science & Climate Lessons, Activities & Learning Videos
These are wonderful and insightful lessons, activities and videos that will engage, question and teach your 3rd through 9th grade students about Earth and Climate Science. Most of these are published by NASA. The lessons and activities (pdf format) are listed here first, following by the videos further below, which are in mp4 format. All are directly accessible at the repository link above.
28 Earth Science Learning Videos:
-love learning -your best ed lessons guru, Scott
These are wonderful and insightful lessons, activities and videos that will engage, question and teach your 3rd through 9th grade students about Earth and Climate Science. Most of these are published by NASA. The lessons and activities (pdf format) are listed here first, following by the videos further below, which are in mp4 format. All are directly accessible at the repository link above.
- A Streamflow River Study, 9th Grade Curriculum Unit
- Building for Hurricanes Lesson
- Cleaning Water Activity Students
- Cleaning Water Activity Teacher
- Earth Systems Interactions Lesson
- Earth Wheel Lesson
- Earth's Water Lesson
- El Nino Lesson
- Evaporation Investigation Lesson
- Exploring the Water Cycle Lesson
- Follow the Water Lesson and Activities
- Freshwater Availability Classroom Activity
- Geographical Influences Lesson
- Global Energy Balance Presentation
- Global Energy Budget Lesson
- Global Precipitation Measurement Lesson
- Globe Earth System Poster Activities
- How do you Build a Weather Satellite Lesson
- Huricanes Pre-Post Assessments
- Hurricaines Teacher Guide
- Hurricane Frequency and Intensity Lesson
- Hurricane Katrina Learning Module Student
- Hurricane Katrina Learning Module Teacher
- Hurricanes Lesson Student Sheet
- Hurricanes Lesson Teacher Guide
- Investigating the Climate System Modules
- Landforms Lesson Grade 2
- Meteorology - An Educators Resource, Grades 5-9
- Models of Landforms and Bodies of Water Lesson
- Rain Gauge Activity Presentation
- Rain Gauge Activity Teacher Guide
- Real World Measuring Raindrops Lesson
- Rubric for Evaluating Earth System Science Analyses
- Sizing Up the Clouds
- Storm Structure and Mesoscale Dynamics
- The Water Cycle Lesson
- Virtual Earth Activities in Mathematics, Science, and Technology
- Water Conservation Lesson
- Water Cycle Dice Game Instructions
- Water Filtration Educators Guide Grades 5-8
- Water in Earth's Hydrosphere Lesson
- Water in the Atmosphere Lesson
- Water in the Biosphere Lesson
- Water in the Geosphere Lesson
- Water Works on a Blue Planet
- Weather Teacher Guide and Lessons
- Write the Book on Weather Metrics
28 Earth Science Learning Videos:
- A Multi-dimensional View of Hurricane Matthew.mp4
- A Tour of the Water Cycle.mp4
- Beautiful Earth Floods and Landslides.mp4
- Beautiful Earth Hurricanes.mp4
- Beautiful Earth Snow.mp4
- Components of the Water Cycle on a Flat Map.mp4
- Components of the Water Cycle.mp4
- Dive Into a 360-View of Hurricane Maria.gif
- Dive Into a 360-View of Hurricane Maria.mp4
- GPM's First Global Rainfall and Snowfall Map.mp4
- Monsoons -Wet, Dry, Repeat.mp4
- Our World - What is a Cloud.mp4
- Our World - What is a Hurricane.mp4
- Our World - What is Weather.mp4
- Our World Cool Clouds.mp4
- Real World Hurricane Hunters.mp4
- Sea Surface Temperature, Salinity and Density.mp4
- Show Me the Water.mp4
- The Great Ocean Conveyor Belt.mp4
- The Water Cycle Heating the Ocean 1.mp4
- The Water Cycle Heating the Ocean 2.mp4
- The Water Cycle Heating the Ocean 3.mp4
- The Water Cycle Steaming the Air 1.mp4
- The Water Cycle Steaming the Air 2.mp4
- The Water Cycle Watering the Land.mp4
- Water Falls - Getting the Big Picture.mp4
- Water Vapor Animation.mp4
- Water Water Everywhere.mp4
- What We Don't Know about Snow.mp4
-love learning -your best ed lessons guru, Scott
Friday, April 19, 2019
Second Grade Reading Lessons & Activities by CoreKnowledge
Second Grade Reading Lessons & Activities by CoreKnowledge
This is the set of reading and language arts lesson and teaching modules for the second grade published by CoreKnowledge. Grade 2 Reading, Literature and Language standards covered by these units, workbooks and readers include the following:
Range of Reading and Level of Text Complexity:
Documents to view and download for the Grade 2 Lessons, Activities and Readers:
-love learning -your best ed lessons guru, Scott
This is the set of reading and language arts lesson and teaching modules for the second grade published by CoreKnowledge. Grade 2 Reading, Literature and Language standards covered by these units, workbooks and readers include the following:
Range of Reading and Level of Text Complexity:
- By the end of the year, read and comprehend literature, including stories and poetry, and informational texts (history/social studies, science, and technical texts) in the Grades 2–3 text complexity band proficiently, with scaffolding as needed at the high end of the range.
- Produce complete sentences when appropriate to task and situation in order to provide requested detail or clarification
- Decode regularly spelled two-syllable words with long vowels, and words with common prefixes and suffixes.
- Identify words with inconsistent but common spelling-sound correspondences.
- Recognize and read grade-appropriate irregularly spelled words.
- Read with sufficient accuracy and fluency to support comprehension.
- Read grade-level text with purpose and understanding.
- Read grade-level text orally with accuracy, appropriate rate, and expression on successive readings.
- Use context to confirm or self-correct word recognition and understanding, rereading as necessary.
- Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English grammar and usage when writing or speaking.
- Form and use the past tense of frequently occurring irregular verbs (e.g., sat, hid, told).
- Produce, expand, and rearrange complete simple and compound sentences (e.g., The boy watched the movie; The little boy watched the movie; The action movie was watched by the little boy).
- Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English capitalization, punctuation, and spelling when writing.
- Generalize learned spelling patterns when writing words (e.g., cage → badge; boy → boil).
- Determine or clarify the meaning of unknown and multiple-meaning words and phrases based on Grade 2 reading and content, choosing flexibly from an array of strategies.
- Use knowledge of the meaning of individual words to predict the meaning of compound words (e.g., birdhouse, lighthouse, housefly; bookshelf, notebook, bookmark).
Documents to view and download for the Grade 2 Lessons, Activities and Readers:
- Grade 2 Introduction, Assessment & Remediation All Units
- Grade 2 Individual Code Chart
- Grade 2 Code Flip Book Consonants
- Grade 2 Code Flip Book Vowels
- Grade 2 Fluency Packet
- Grade 2 Spelling Card Set
- Grade 2 Listening Ancient Greek Civilization.zip
- Grade 2 Listening Cycles in Nature.zip
- Grade 2 Listening Early Asian Civilizations.zip
- Grade 2 Listening Fairy Tales and Tall Tales.zip
- Grade 2 Listening Fighting-for-a-Cause.zip
- Grade 2 Listening Greek-Myths.zip
- Grade 2 Listening Immigration.zip
- Grade 2 Listening Insects.zip
- Grade 2 Listening Westward Expansion.zip
- Grade 2 Listening The Human Body Building Blocks and Nutrition.zip
- Grade 2 Listening The US Civil War.zip
- Grade 2 Listening The War of 1812.zip
- Grade 2 Unit 1 Reader, Teacher Guide, Workbook
- Grade 2 Unit 2 Reader, Teacher Guide, Workbook
- Grade 2 Unit 3 Reader, Teacher Guide, Workbook
- Grade 2 Unit 4 Reader, Teacher Guide, Workbook
- Grade 2 Unit 5 Reader, Teacher Guide, Workbook
- Grade 2 Unit 6 Reader, Teacher Guide, Workbook
- Grade 2 Unit 6 Timeline Cards
-love learning -your best ed lessons guru, Scott
Thursday, April 18, 2019
4 Music Textbooks and Note Reading Worksheet
4 Music Textbooks and a Note Reading Worksheet
Here are well written and easy-to-understand four Music texts for beginning music theory students, for all grade levels 5 through high school and beyond, along with a good, fundamental Treble Clef Note Reading Worksheet that will help those just learning their musical notes in the treble clef.
The Basic Elements of Music:
-love learning -your best ed lessons guru, Scott
Here are well written and easy-to-understand four Music texts for beginning music theory students, for all grade levels 5 through high school and beyond, along with a good, fundamental Treble Clef Note Reading Worksheet that will help those just learning their musical notes in the treble clef.
The Basic Elements of Music:
1. Time ElementsPitch Notation:
1.1 Rhythm
1.2 Simple Rhythm Activities
1.3 Meter in Music
1.4 Musical Meter Activities
1.5 Tempo
1.6 Tempo Activity
1.7 Dynamics and Accents in Music
1.8 Musical Dynamics Activity
1.9 Musical Accent Activity
2. Pitch Elements
2.1 Timbre
2.2 Melody
2.3 Harmony
3. Combining Time and Pitch
3.1 The Textures of Music
3.2 Musical Textures Activity
3.3 An Introduction to Counterpoint
3.4 Counterpoint Activities: Listening and Discussion
3.5 Counterpoint Activities: Singing Rounds
3.6 Music Form Activities
3.7 Form in Music
1. The StaffReading Music Common Notation:
2. The Notes on the Staff
3. Pitch: Sharp, Flat, and Natural Notes
4. Half Steps and Whole Steps
5. Intervals
6. Octaves and the Major-Minor Tonal System
7. Harmonic Series
1. PitchReading Rhythm a Learning By Doing Course:
1.1 The Staff
1.2 Clef
1.3 Pitch: Sharp, Flat, and Natural Notes
1.4 Key Signature
1.5 Enharmonic Spelling
2. Time
2.1 Duration: Note Lengths in Written Music
2.2 Duration: Rest Length
2.3 Time Signature
2.4 Pickup Notes and Measures
2.5 Dots, Ties, and Borrowed Divisions
2.6 Tempo
2.7 Repeats and Other Musical Road Map Signs
3. Style
3.1 Dynamics and Accents in Music
3.2 Articulation
1. Learning by Doing: An Introduction
2. Reading Rhythm Introduction
3. A Steady Beat
4. Meter
5. Half Notes and Half Rests
6. Dividing the beat in half
7. Whole Notes and Tied Notes
8. Using Different Notes for the Beat
9. Dividing Beats into Thirds
10. Dotted Notes
-love learning -your best ed lessons guru, Scott
Wednesday, April 17, 2019
67 Art Lessons and Projects for all Grades
67 Art Lessons and Projects for all Grades
Here are 67 art projects and lessons for younger and older art students, covering many art genres and subject areas. 45 of these, from Elementary Visual Arts, are available as separate downloads in the folder linked above, and this document nicely details out 22 art lessons and activities (also in a smaller file size).
-love learning -your best ed lessons guru, Scott
Here are 67 art projects and lessons for younger and older art students, covering many art genres and subject areas. 45 of these, from Elementary Visual Arts, are available as separate downloads in the folder linked above, and this document nicely details out 22 art lessons and activities (also in a smaller file size).
- 3D Kinetic Sculpture, Alex Calder
- Architecture, Art Nouveau, Natural Forms
- Art Brut and Symbolic Figures, Jean Dubuffet
- Color Field Paintings, Helen Frankenthaler
- Colorful Words and Telling Images, Visual Storytelling
- Comic Book Style Self-Portraits, Roy Lichtenstein
- Day of the Dead, Exploration of Warm and Cool Colors
- Degas Dancers, Pattern and Unity, Movement in Art
- Elements of Art, Charley Harper
- Elements of Art, Cy Twombly
- Elements of Art, Tree of Life
- Expressionism, Cubism, Marc Chagall
- Expressionism, Cubism, Surrealism, Paul Klee
- Figurative Narratives and Collage, Trenton Hancock
- Figure Drawing, Shape, Form and
- Georgia OKeeffe, A Closer Look
- Giant Kites of Guatemala, Cutural Holiday
- Introduction to Typography
- Landscape and Perspective, Maynard Dixon
- Landscape Materials
- Landscapes and Language Arts, Dr Seuss
- Language Arts, Visual Storytelling, Dr Seuss
- Memorials and Public Art, Maya Lin
- Mosaics, Art and the Environment
- Native American Culture
- Paper Quilts, Black History Month
- Picasso and Cubism, Self Portraits
- Plein Air Painting, Creating in Natural Settings
- Pop Art, Value, Shading, Hearts
- Popular Culture 3D Art, Jeff Koons
- Principals of Art, Line, Shape, Color, Texture
- Printmaking, Native American Heritage
- Scratchboard Landscapes
- Self Portraits, Amedeo Modigliani
- Self-Portaits Expressionism, Cubism, Surrealism
- Self-Portraits, Frida Kahlo
- Sketches and Inventions, Leonardo da Vinci
- Spiral Jetty, Bird Habitat, Environmental Art
- Stained Glass Windows, Light Screens
- Statue of Liberty, Peter Max
- Street Art
- Symbolism, Modern Art, Collage, American Flag, Personal Flag
- Symbolism, Neo-Pop Artwork
- The Arches, Horizon Line, Foreground, Background
- Valentine Op Art Heart
-love learning -your best ed lessons guru, Scott
Tuesday, April 16, 2019
First Grade Reading Lessons & Activities by CoreKnowledge
First Grade Reading Lessons & Activities by CoreKnowledge
The Basic Code consonant sounds and spellings and the five short vowel sounds and spellings taught in Kindergarten CoreKnowledge Units 3-9 are reviewed in Grade 1 CoreKnowledge Unit 1. The remaining Basic Code vowel sounds and spellings are taught in Grade 1 Units 2-4. In a Basic Code lesson, students first learn to listen for and isolate a single sound and are then taught the spelling for that sound. Typically in this type of lesson, the teacher introduces the sound and conducts various oral language activities with the students to be certain they can identify the sound orally. The teacher then presents the spelling for that sound and models writing the spelling, as well as sounding out simple one-syllable words that use the spelling. Additional reading and writing practice opportunities for students then follow.The listening units include an anthology, supplemental guide, flip-charts, image cards.
Basic Code Spellings taught in these Grade 1 Lessons and Activities
Vowel Sounds and Spellings:
Consonant Sounds and Spellings:
The Advanced Code consists of all other spelling alternatives (over 100) used to spell the 44 phonemes in English. Examples of alternative spellings include ‘mm’ > /m/, ‘ss’> /s/, ‘c’ > /s/, ‘g’ > /j/, ‘ay’ > /ae/, ‘ey’ > /ee/. Some of these spelling alternatives occur relatively frequently in the English language, while others are quite rare.
The new Advanced Code taught in Grade 1 includes:
Grade 1 Lessons and Activities:
-love learning -your best ed lessons guru, Scott
The Basic Code consonant sounds and spellings and the five short vowel sounds and spellings taught in Kindergarten CoreKnowledge Units 3-9 are reviewed in Grade 1 CoreKnowledge Unit 1. The remaining Basic Code vowel sounds and spellings are taught in Grade 1 Units 2-4. In a Basic Code lesson, students first learn to listen for and isolate a single sound and are then taught the spelling for that sound. Typically in this type of lesson, the teacher introduces the sound and conducts various oral language activities with the students to be certain they can identify the sound orally. The teacher then presents the spelling for that sound and models writing the spelling, as well as sounding out simple one-syllable words that use the spelling. Additional reading and writing practice opportunities for students then follow.The listening units include an anthology, supplemental guide, flip-charts, image cards.
Basic Code Spellings taught in these Grade 1 Lessons and Activities
Vowel Sounds and Spellings:
- /a/ as in hat
- /o/ as in hop
- /i/ as in it
- /e/ as in pet
- /u/ as in but
- /ee/ as in bee
- /ae/ as in cake
- /ie/ as in bite
- /oe/ as in home
- /ue/ as in cute
- /oo/ as in soon
- /oo/ as in look
- /ou/ as in shout
- /oi/ as in oil
- /aw/ as in paw
- /er/ as in her
- /ar/ as in car
- /or/ as in for
Consonant Sounds and Spellings:
- /p/ as in pot
- /t/ as in top
- /d/ as in dot
- /k/ as in cat, kid
- /g/ as in gift
- /n/ as in nut
- /h/ as in hot
- /s/ as in sun
- /f/ as in fit
- /v/ as in vet
- /z/ as in zip
- /m/ as in mad
- /b/ as in bat
- /l/ as in lip
- /r/ as in red
- /w/ as in wet
- /j/ as in jump
- /y/ as in yes
- /x/ as in tax
- /ch/ as in chin
- /sh/ as in shop
- /th/ as in thin
- /th/ as in them
- /qu/ as in quit
- /ng/ as in sing
The Advanced Code consists of all other spelling alternatives (over 100) used to spell the 44 phonemes in English. Examples of alternative spellings include ‘mm’ > /m/, ‘ss’> /s/, ‘c’ > /s/, ‘g’ > /j/, ‘ay’ > /ae/, ‘ey’ > /ee/. Some of these spelling alternatives occur relatively frequently in the English language, while others are quite rare.
The new Advanced Code taught in Grade 1 includes:
- /ch/ > 'tch' (Unit 5)
- /j/ > 'g' and ‘ge’ (Unit 5)
- /v/ > 've' (Unit 5)
- /r/ > 'wr' (Unit 5)
- /s/ > ‘c’, ‘ce’, and ‘se’ (Unit 6)
- /n/ > 'kn' (Unit 6)
- /ng/ > 'n' (Unit 6)
- /w/ > 'wh' (Unit 6)
- /ae/ > ‘ai’ and ‘ay’ (Unit 7)
- /oe/ > ‘oa’ (Unit 7)
Grade 1 Lessons and Activities:
- Grade 1 Introduction, Asssessment-Remediation Units 1 through 6
- Grade 1 Consonants Code Flip book
- Grade 1 Individual Code Chart
- Grade 1 Large Letter Cards
- Grade 1 Listening A-New-Nation-American-Independence.zip
- Grade 1 Listening Animals-and-Habitats.zip
- Grade 1 Listening Astronomy.zip
- Grade 1 Listening Different-Lands-Similar-Stories.zip
- Grade 1 Listening Early-American-Civilizations.zip
- Grade 1 Listening Early-World-Civilizations.zip
- Grade 1 Listening Fables-and-Stories.zip
- Grade 1 Listening Fairy-Tales.zip
- Grade 1 Listening Frontier-Explorers.zip
- Grade 1 Listening The-History-of-the-Earth.zip
- Grade 1 Listening The-Human-Body.zip
- Grade 1 Spelling Cards
- Grade 1 Vowels Code Flip book
- Grade 1 Unit 1 Big Book, Reader, Teacher Guide, Workbook
- Grade 1 Unit 2 Big Book, Reader, Teacher Guide, Workbook
- Grade 1 Unit 3 Big Book, Reader, Teacher Guide, Workbook
- Grade 1 Unit 4 Reader, Teacher Guide, Workbook
- Grade 1 Unit 5 Reader, Teacher Guide, Workbook
- Grade 1 Unit 6 Reader, Teacher Guide, Workbook
- Grade 1 Unit 7 Reader, Teacher Guide, Workbook
-love learning -your best ed lessons guru, Scott
Monday, April 15, 2019
Dolch Sight and Fry High-Frequency Words - Lists, Phrases, Flash Cards
37 Dolch Sight Word Lists, Phrases and Flash Card Sets
23 Fry High-Frequency Word Lists, Phrases and Flash Card Sets
These are 60 Word Lists, Phrases, Flash Card Sets for both the Dolch sight words and the Fry high-frequency words. The Dolch lists are usually categorized by grade level, in decreasing order of frequency, and the Fry Lists are broken down by sets of hundreds by frequency order. Either list set is sufficient for the young reader to learn the most common English words. Sight words are read as whole units with no pauses between sounds. They do not follow spelling rules of spelling or the six syllable types and therefore need to be memorized. High-frequency words are words that also have to be learned, and can be decoded, but they follow rules that a student may not know until after they need to be able to read them.
Here are three activities to use when helping your young reader memorize sight words:
Sight Word Throw - Write ten sight words on index cards. Scatter the cards on the floor. Throw a bean bag on one of the cards. If the child can read and/or spell the word on the card, they get to keep the card. Continue until all cards are gone.
Let's Go Fishing for Sight Words - Choose ten sight words. Write the sight words on index cards. Place a magnet on one side of the index card. Give the child a fishing pole (a longer stick with a string attached and a magnet at the end is ideal). Let the child "fish" for a card by letting the pole magnet attract to the index card magnet. The child gets to keep the card if he can read and/or spell the word on the card. Make it a game and do it with a friend. Whoever gets the most cards wins.
Exercise with Sight Words - Learn to spell sight words by putting each letter in a word to a movement. For example, use the word "what." As your child says each letter, have your child clap simultaneously. Get creative with your movements.
-love learning -your best ed lessons guru, Scott
23 Fry High-Frequency Word Lists, Phrases and Flash Card Sets
These are 60 Word Lists, Phrases, Flash Card Sets for both the Dolch sight words and the Fry high-frequency words. The Dolch lists are usually categorized by grade level, in decreasing order of frequency, and the Fry Lists are broken down by sets of hundreds by frequency order. Either list set is sufficient for the young reader to learn the most common English words. Sight words are read as whole units with no pauses between sounds. They do not follow spelling rules of spelling or the six syllable types and therefore need to be memorized. High-frequency words are words that also have to be learned, and can be decoded, but they follow rules that a student may not know until after they need to be able to read them.
Here are three activities to use when helping your young reader memorize sight words:
Sight Word Throw - Write ten sight words on index cards. Scatter the cards on the floor. Throw a bean bag on one of the cards. If the child can read and/or spell the word on the card, they get to keep the card. Continue until all cards are gone.
Let's Go Fishing for Sight Words - Choose ten sight words. Write the sight words on index cards. Place a magnet on one side of the index card. Give the child a fishing pole (a longer stick with a string attached and a magnet at the end is ideal). Let the child "fish" for a card by letting the pole magnet attract to the index card magnet. The child gets to keep the card if he can read and/or spell the word on the card. Make it a game and do it with a friend. Whoever gets the most cards wins.
Exercise with Sight Words - Learn to spell sight words by putting each letter in a word to a movement. For example, use the word "what." As your child says each letter, have your child clap simultaneously. Get creative with your movements.
-love learning -your best ed lessons guru, Scott
Friday, April 12, 2019
Lots of Astronomy Lessons, Activities and Learning Materials
Lots of Astronomy Lessons, Activities and Learning Materials
Freely available here, for all grade levels, are over 180 activities, learning guides, lessons, slide presentations and study reading documents (with discussion questions) for learning all about Astronomy and related topics. These are great educational resources for both home school and the classroom, and many of these are from NASA. A nice Astronomy Textbook for Non-Science Students is also included here.
71 Astronomy (and related) Activities and Lessons:
57 Astronomy Reading and Study Docs:
54 Astronomy Slide Presentations:
-love learning -your best ed lessons guru, Scott
Freely available here, for all grade levels, are over 180 activities, learning guides, lessons, slide presentations and study reading documents (with discussion questions) for learning all about Astronomy and related topics. These are great educational resources for both home school and the classroom, and many of these are from NASA. A nice Astronomy Textbook for Non-Science Students is also included here.
71 Astronomy (and related) Activities and Lessons:
- Adventures in Rocket Science Educator Guide & Activities
- Adventures In Rocket Science Guide and Activities
- Angles and Electricity Activity
- Asteroid Potatoes
- Astrobiology Learning Activities Ages 5-12
- Aurora Educators Guide and Activities
- Bag of Ballons Activity
- Bag of Bones Activity
- Blackhole Lessons
- Blinded by the Light Activity
- Build Your Own Satellite Activity
- Comet Mystery Boxes Activity
- Comet On A Stick Activity
- Cool Suits Activity, Educator
- Cool Suits Activity, Student
- Design a Spacecraft on a Chip Activity
- Design and Build Your Own Spacecraft Activity
- Different Gravity Activity
- Dwarf Planets Activity, Student
- Dwarf Planets Activity, Teacher Guide
- Earth the Universe and Culture Lesson
- Equatorial Sundial Activity Grades 5-8
- Expanding Universe Lesson Grades 6-8
- Exploring The Lunar Surface Guide and Activities
- Exploring The Milky Way Activities
- Exploring The Moon Guide and Activities
- Field Trip To The Moon Lessons and Activities
- Flight Problem Solving, The 'Wright' Math Science Activities
- Food Activity 1 - Preparation for Space
- Food Activity 2 - Food Selection
- Food for Spaceflight, Educator Lesson
- Food for Spaceflight, Student Activity
- Group the Galaxies Activity
- Imagine the Universe Book with Activities
- Investigate Mars Lessons
- Ion Drive Your Way through Space Activity
- Is There Water on Mars Guide and Activities
- Juno Education Activity Guide
- Learning The 'Wright' Way to Fly Activity Sled Kite
- Learning To Fly Wright Brothers Activities
- Listening for Rings from Space Activity
- Make a Galactic Mobile Activity
- Make a Galaxy Montage Activity
- Make the Sun Activity
- Mars and Earth Science Learning Activities
- Mars Mission Activities Guide
- Meet The Planets Lesson
- Meteorology Learning Resource & Activities -Grades 5-9
- Micrometeoroids Activity
- Model The Night Sky Activity K-Grade 4
- Moon Phases and Eclipses Activity
- Moons Surface Activity
- NASA Eclipse Activity Guide
- NASA Handbook Lunar Lessons & Activities Grades 6-8
- NASA Mirror on the Universe Lesson Guide
- NASA Rocket Guide and Activities
- Observing The Moon Activity K-Grade 4
- Packing for a Looong Trip to Mars Activity
- Planet Tours Activity Grades 5-8
- Saturn Model Activity
- Scale Models Activity Grades 5-8
- Solar System Science Activity Grades 5-8
- Spectroscope Activity Grades 9-12
- Stars and Galaxies Activity Grades 9-12
- Sunspots Grades Activity 9-12
- Sunstruck Educator Guide and Actvities
- The Incredible 2 inch Universe Activity
- The Milky Way Grades Activity 9-12
- Tiered Planet Activity
- Variable Stars Activity 1
- Variable Stars Activity 2
- Water On Mars Educators Guide and Activities
57 Astronomy Reading and Study Docs:
- Apollo 17 View of Earth
- Asteroids - Space Rocks with a Story fun sheet
- Asteroids
- Astronomers Tycho Brahe and Johannes Kepler
- Astronomy Textbook - From Stargazers to Starships
- Astronomy Textbook for Non-Science People
- Comets vs Asteroids
- Comets
- Cool, Curious Comets fun sheet
- Dwarf Planets - Small Size, Big Mystery fun sheet
- Earths Moon Photo.jpg
- Earths Moon
- Exploring Stars In the Milky Way
- Horsehead Nebula Educational Materials
- Horsehead Nebula Story and Photos
- Hubble Focus Our Amazing Solar System -embedded video
- Jovian Planets
- Jupiter Photo.jpg
- Jupiter
- Mars Photo.jpg
- Mars
- Mercury Photo.jpg
- Mercury
- Meteor Shower.gif
- Moons of Jupiter
- Mysteries of The Sun
- NASA Universe of Learning -Science Briefing
- NASA Universe of Learning
- Neptune details
- Neptune Photo.jpg
- Neptune
- Our Home, the Milky Way Galaxy
- Our Star the Sun
- Pluto Photo.jpg
- Pluto
- Refracting and Reflecting Telescopes
- Remote Imaging of Earth by Satellite
- Saturn Photo.jpg
- Saturn
- Science Bowl Astronomy with Answers
- Small Worlds, Big Discoveries -factsheet
- Student Reading about Constellations
- Sun As A Star Learning Acitivities
- Taking a Cold, Clear Look at the Universe
- Telescope as a Time Machine with crossword
- The Lunar and Solar Eclipses
- The Milky Way
- The Young Folks Astronomy - scanned book
- Types and Classification of Galaxies
- Uranus details
- Uranus Photo.jpg
- Uranus
- Venus details
- Venus Photo.jpg
- Venus
- Viewing the Planets
- What Is a Meteor Shower
54 Astronomy Slide Presentations:
- Asteroids Meteroids and Comets
- Astronomy and Space Science I
- Astronomy and the Universe
- Astronomy Course Review
- Black Holes 1
- Black Holes 2
- Black Holes 3
- Comets
- Constellations 1
- Constellations 2
- Earth and Its Moon
- Earth's Moon
- Eclipses
- Extreme Stars
- Formation of Our Solar System
- Formation of the Solar System
- Galaxies
- History of Space Travel
- How Telescopes Changed our Understanding of the Universe
- Introduction to Astronomy
- Jovian Planets and Other Solar System Constituents
- Light and Telescopes
- Lunar Phases Eclipses
- Measuring Distances in Astronomy
- Milky Way Galaxy 1
- Milky Way Galaxy 2
- Milky Way Galaxy 3
- Moon Phases Tides
- Newtons Laws
- Origin of the Solar System
- Our Solar System and Its Origin
- Our Solar System
- Our Sun
- Planets
- Pluto
- Principals of Rockets
- Ptolemy to Galileo
- Quasars
- Satellites
- Solar EclipsesThrough Space and Time
- Solar System Formation
- Structure and Origin ono the Moon
- Sun Earth Moon Eclipses and Tides
- Telescopes
- Terrestrial Planets
- The Age of the Sun and Energy Transport
- The Jovian Outer Planets
- The Solar System 1
- The Solar System 2
- The Sun 1
- The Sun 2
- The Sun 3
- The Sun Awesome and Active
- Touring Our Solar System
-love learning -your best ed lessons guru, Scott
Wednesday, April 10, 2019
34 Math Lessons for Primary and Middle School
34 Math Lessons for Primary and Middle School -- 1 set of 24 and another set of 10
24 Primary and Middle School Math Lessons: "Math on the Move" is a series of 24 primary and middle school math lessons. Designed to be used as stand-alone segments to address particular skill areas, each builds upon pressumed knowledge taught in the prior lessons. Answers to "Try It" problems are at the end of each lesson and a separate pdf document is provided for the answers to the Practice Problems.
10 Math for Living Lessons: Ten stand-alone lessons designed to reinforce basic math skills while teaching practical concepts. These non-sequential, middle-school level lessons improve financial literacy and life skills with examples, practice problems, and vocabulary relating to work, smart shopping, and budgets, as well as information on obtaining the resources for college.
-love learning -your best ed lessons guru, Scott
24 Primary and Middle School Math Lessons: "Math on the Move" is a series of 24 primary and middle school math lessons. Designed to be used as stand-alone segments to address particular skill areas, each builds upon pressumed knowledge taught in the prior lessons. Answers to "Try It" problems are at the end of each lesson and a separate pdf document is provided for the answers to the Practice Problems.
- Math on the Move Lesson 1 - Arithmetic Operations
- Math on the Move Lesson 2 - Operations with Integers
- Math on the Move Lesson 3 - Multiplying, Dividing, and Exponents
- Math on the Move Lesson 4 - Factors and Multiples
- Math on the Move Lesson 5 - Introduction to Fractions
- Math on the Move Lesson 6 - Operations with Fractions
- Math on the Move Lesson 7 - Mixed Numbers
- Math on the Move Lesson 8 - Decimals
- Math on the Move Lesson 9 - Operations with Decimals
- Math on the Move Lesson 10 - Percents
- Math on the Move Lesson 11 - Variables and Unknowns
- Math on the Move Lesson 12 - Simplifying, Substituting, and Solving
- Math on the Move Lesson 13 - Verbal Phrases to Algebraic Expressions
- Math on the Move Lesson 14 - Measurement Systems
- Math on the Move Lesson 15 - Rates and Ratios
- Math on the Move Lesson 16 - Proportions
- Math on the Move Lesson 17 - Introduction to Geometry
- Math on the Move Lesson 18 - Quadrilaterals
- Math on the Move Lesson 19 - Triangle Properties
- Math on the Move Lesson 20 - Perimeter, Area, and Similarity of Triangles
- Math on the Move Lesson 21 - Circles
- Math on the Move Lesson 22 - 3-Dimensional Solids
- Math on the Move Lesson 23 - Coordinate Geometry
- Math on the Move Lesson 24 - Reading Graphs and Tables
- Math on the Move Answers to Practice Problems
10 Math for Living Lessons: Ten stand-alone lessons designed to reinforce basic math skills while teaching practical concepts. These non-sequential, middle-school level lessons improve financial literacy and life skills with examples, practice problems, and vocabulary relating to work, smart shopping, and budgets, as well as information on obtaining the resources for college.
- Math for Living Scope and Sequence
- Math for Living Ads Pre-Post Assessment
- Math for Living Ads
- Math for Living Budget Pre-Post Assessment
- Math for Living Budget
- Math for Living College Pre-Post Assessment
- Math for Living College
- Math for Living Income Pre-Post Assessment
- Math for Living Income
- Math for Living Jobs Pre-Post Assessment
- Math for Living Jobs
- Math for Living Layaway Pre-Post Assessment
- Math for Living Layaway
- Math for Living Payroll Pre-Post Assessment
- Math for Living Payroll
- Math for Living Pre-Post Assessment Answers
- Math for Living Prices Pre-Post Assessment
- Math for Living Prices
- Math for Living Sales Pre-Post Assessment
- Math for Living Sales
- Math for Living Witholding Allowances Pre-Post Assessment
- Math for Living Witholding Allowances
-love learning -your best ed lessons guru, Scott
Tuesday, April 9, 2019
Latin & Greek Roots, Prefix, Suffix Lessons, Lists & Teaching Helps
An important part of increasing English vocabulary and comprehension is learning Latin and Greek word roots, prefixes and suffixes. More than half of the words students will encounter have recognizable word parts, and many of these types of words have their origins in Latin and Greek roots. These base words, prefixes and suffixes have unique semantic features and consistent orthographic patterns. As younger readers review, study and start using them, they will better learn how to pronounce and spell them, along with understanding their meaning.
27 Latin and Greek Word Roots Lists, Teaching Helps and Techniques
30 Lessons on Greek and Latin Roots, Prefixes and Suffixes
Greek and Latin Roots Lesson with 3 Lists
-love learning -your best ed lessons guru, Scott
27 Latin and Greek Word Roots Lists, Teaching Helps and Techniques
30 Lessons on Greek and Latin Roots, Prefixes and Suffixes
Greek and Latin Roots Lesson with 3 Lists
-love learning -your best ed lessons guru, Scott
Sunday, April 7, 2019
70 Classic Story Books for Young People to Read and Enjoy
70 Classic Story Books for Young People to Read and Enjoy
Here are 70 wonderful reading books for younger readers covering many areas of classical stories, folklore, history, legends, fiction and poetry. All of these, except two, are newly rendered in modern, larger font for easier reading (and also for copying/pasting to other documents, if desired). I hope everyone enjoys these, as it took some effort creating them.
-love learning -your best ed lessons guru, Scott
Here are 70 wonderful reading books for younger readers covering many areas of classical stories, folklore, history, legends, fiction and poetry. All of these, except two, are newly rendered in modern, larger font for easier reading (and also for copying/pasting to other documents, if desired). I hope everyone enjoys these, as it took some effort creating them.
- Adventures in Many Lands
- Baby Chatterbox
- Chatterbox, 1905 and 1906
- Child Stories from the Masters
- Childrens Hour with Red Riding Hood and Other Stories
- Childrens Rhymes, Children's Games, Children's Songs, Children's Stories
- Fairy Tales Every Child Should Know
- Famous Stories Every Child Should Know
- Favorite Fables in Prose and Verse
- Folk Tales Every Child Should Know
- Fun and Thought for Little Folk
- Golden Moments, Bright Stories for Young Folks
- Good Cheer Stories Every Child Should Know
- Heroes Every Child Should Know
- Journeys Through Bookland, Volumes 2 through 10
- Junior Classics Vol 1 - Fairy and Wonder Tales
- Junior Classics Vol 4 - Heroes and Heroines of Chivalry
- Junior Classics Vol 5 - Stories that Never Grow Old
- Junior Classics Vol 6 - Old-Fashioned Tales
- Junior Classics Vol 7 - Stories of Courage and Heroism
- Junior Classics Vol 8 - Animal and Nature Stories
- Laugh and Play, A Collection of Original Stories
- Legends That Every Child Should Know
- My Book of Favorite Fairy Tales
- Myths and Legends of All Nations
- Myths That Every Child Should Know, Classic Myths For Young People
- Our Boys, Entertaining Stories by Popular Authors
- Pictures Every Child Should Know, World's Art Masterpieces for Young People
- Poems Every Child Should Know
- Stories from the Ballads
- Tales of Wonder Every Child Should Know
- The Childrens Hour Vol 2, Myths from Many Lands
- The Childrens Hour Vol 3, Stories from the Classics
- The Childrens Hour Vol 4, Heroes of the British Isles
- The Childrens Hour Vol 5, Stories From Seven Old Favorites
- The Childrens Hour Vol 6, Old Fashioned Stories and Poems
- The Childrens Hour Vol 7, The Out-of-Door Book
- The Childrens Hour Vol 8, Adventures and Achievement
- The Childrens Hour Vol 9, Poems About Children
- The Childrens Portion
- True Stories of Wonderful Deeds
- Young Folks Library Vol 11, Wonders of Earth, Sea and Sky
- Young Folks Library Vol 14, A Book of Natural History
- Young Folks Library Vol 2, The Book of Fun and Frolic, scan
- Young Folks Library Vol 3, A Book of Famous Fairy Tales
- Young Folks Library Vol 5, A Book of Famous Myths and Legends
- Young Folks Treasury Vol 7, Heros and Patriots
- Young Folks Treasury Vol 10, Ideal Home Life
- Young Folks Treasury Vol 1, Childhood Favorites and Fairy Stories
- Young Folks Treasury Vol 2, Myths and Legendary Heroes
- Young Folks Treasury Vol 3, Classic Tales and Old-Fashioned Stories
- Young Folks Treasury Vol 4, Modern Tales and Animal Stories
- Young Folks Treasury Vol 5, The Animal World, a Book of Natural History
- Young Folks Treasury Vol 6, Famous Travels and Adventures
- Young Folks Treasury Vol 7, Heros and Patriots
- Young Folks Treasury Vol 8, Wonders of Science and Invention
- Young Folks Treasury Vol 9, Men and Women of Achievement
- Young Folks Treasury Vol 10, Ideal Home Life
- Young Folks Treasury Vol 11, Golden Hours with the Poets
- Young Folks Treasury Vol 12, Music and Fine Arts, scan
-love learning -your best ed lessons guru, Scott
Thursday, April 4, 2019
Kindergarten Reading Lessons & Activities by CoreKnowledge
Kindergarten Reading Lessons & Activities by CoreKnowledge
The lessons and activities in this reading curriculum focus on sounds, or phonemes, as the primary organizing principle of the program, rather than letters. It includes phonics instruction, but the instruction differs from the sort of phonics usually taught in the United States in that it begins with sounds and then attaches those sounds to spellings. Once learners are familiar with the sound, you will show them how to draw a “picture of the sound.” You will write the letter ‘m’ and explain this is how we make a picture of the /m/ sound. The lessons use a synthetic phonics approach which teaches students to read by blending through the word; it does not teach multiple cueing strategies, use of pictures as a primary resource in decoding, or part-word guessing. The listening units include an anthology, supplemental guide, flip-charts, image cards.
-love learning -your best ed lessons guru, Scott
The lessons and activities in this reading curriculum focus on sounds, or phonemes, as the primary organizing principle of the program, rather than letters. It includes phonics instruction, but the instruction differs from the sort of phonics usually taught in the United States in that it begins with sounds and then attaches those sounds to spellings. Once learners are familiar with the sound, you will show them how to draw a “picture of the sound.” You will write the letter ‘m’ and explain this is how we make a picture of the /m/ sound. The lessons use a synthetic phonics approach which teaches students to read by blending through the word; it does not teach multiple cueing strategies, use of pictures as a primary resource in decoding, or part-word guessing. The listening units include an anthology, supplemental guide, flip-charts, image cards.
- Kindergarten Intro & Asssessment-Remediation Unit 1
- Kindergarten Asssessment-Remediation Units 2 - 9
- Kindergarten Blending Picture Cards
- Kindergarten Chaining Folder Inside
- Kindergarten Large Letter Cards
- Kindergarten Listening 1 NurseryRhymesFables.zip
- Kindergarten Listening 2 TheFiveSenses.zip
- Kindergarten Listening 3 Stories.zip
- Kindergarten Listening 4 Plants.zip
- Kindergarten Listening 5 Farms.zip
- Kindergarten Listening 6 NativeAmericans.zip
- Kindergarten Listening 7 KingsQueens.zip
- Kindergarten Listening 8 SeasonsWeather.zip
- Kindergarten Listening 9 ColumbusPilgrims.zip
- Kindergarten Listening 10 ColonialTownsTownspeople.zip
- Kindergarten Listening 11 Taking-Care-of-the-Earth.zip
- Kindergarten Listening 12 PresidentsAmericanSymbols.zip
- Kindergarten Small Letter Cards
- Kindergarten Sound Cards
- Kindergarten Sound Posters
- Kindergarten Unit 1 Teacher Guide, Workbook
- Kindergarten Unit 2 Teacher Guide, Workbook
- Kindergarten Unit 3 Teacher Guide, Workbook
- Kindergarten Unit 4 Teacher Guide, Workbook, Big Book
- Kindergarten Unit 5 Teacher Guide, Workbook, Big Book
- Kindergarten Unit 6 Reader, Teacher Guide, Workbook, Big Book
- Kindergarten Unit 7 Reader, Teacher Guide, Workbook, Big Book
- Kindergarten Unit 8 Reader, Teacher Guide, Workbook, Big Book
- Kindergarten Unit 9 Reader, Teacher Guide, Workbook
- Kindergarten Unit10 Reader, Teacher Guide, Workbook
-love learning -your best ed lessons guru, Scott
9 Excellent Middle School Math Textbooks with Solutions
9 Excellent Middle School Math Textbooks with Solutions
This nice set of middle school texts for 6th, 7th and 8th grades put a smile on my face when I discovered them. Each one has well explained and easy to understand solutions to the problems taught, along with embedded videos. You can access each of these math textbooks with either better or less quality graphics, depending on your choice of file size as seen in the file name.
Grade 6 Contents:
Grade 7 Contents:
Grade 8 Contents:
-love learning -your best ed lessons guru, Scott
This nice set of middle school texts for 6th, 7th and 8th grades put a smile on my face when I discovered them. Each one has well explained and easy to understand solutions to the problems taught, along with embedded videos. You can access each of these math textbooks with either better or less quality graphics, depending on your choice of file size as seen in the file name.
- Middle School Math Grade 6
- Middle School Math Grade 7
- Middle School Math Grade 8
- Middle School Math Concepts Grade 6
- Middle School Math Concepts Grade 7
- Middle School Math Concepts Grade 8
- Middle School Math Concept Collection Grade 6
- Middle School Math Concept Collection Grade 7
- Middle School Math Concept Collection Grade 8
Grade 6 Contents:
- Number Sense and Variable Expressions
- Statistics and Measurement
- Addition and Subtraction of Decimals
- Multiplication and Division of Decimals
- Number Patterns and Fractions
- Addition and Subtraction of Fractions
- Multiplication and Division of Fractions
- Geometric Figures
- Geometry and Measurement
- Integers
- Equations and Functions; Probability
Grade 7 Contents:
- Algebraic Thinking
- Using Decimals
- Using Fractions
- Using Integers
- Using Ratios, Rates and Proportions
- Using Percents
- Equations, Inequalities and Functions
- Geometry
- Distance and Area
- Surface Area and Volume
- Data and Statistics
- Probability
Grade 8 Contents:
- Using Algebra
- Using Rational Numbers
- Single Variable Equations and Inequalities
- Applying Proportions
- Applying Percents
- Geometry and Transformations
- Using Real Numbers and Right Triangles
- Measurement, Area and Volume
- Linear Functions and Graphs
- Analyzing Data
- Using Probability
- Polynomials; Quadratic, Exponential Functions
-love learning -your best ed lessons guru, Scott
Tuesday, April 2, 2019
12 Children's Books about the Great Musicians
12 Children's Books about the Great Musicians
These are short illustrated books for younger readers that tell the story of each musician's early life and what occurred to help them become great and accomplished musicians and composers. Each book has reading comprehension questions to answer at the end. Most of the books also include one or two .mid files, in the 'Music' folder, to listen to short excerpts of their music.
-love learning -your best ed lessons guru, Scott
These are short illustrated books for younger readers that tell the story of each musician's early life and what occurred to help them become great and accomplished musicians and composers. Each book has reading comprehension questions to answer at the end. Most of the books also include one or two .mid files, in the 'Music' folder, to listen to short excerpts of their music.
- Johann Sebastian Bach - The Story of the Boy Who Sang in the Streets
- Ludwig van Beethoven - The Story of a Little Boy Who Was Forced to Practice
- Frederic François Chopin - The Story of the Boy Who Made Beautiful Melodies
- Edvard Grieg - The Story of the Boy Who Made Music in the Land of the Midnight Sun
- George Frederick Handel - The Story of a Little Boy Who Practiced in an Attic
- Franz Joseph Haydn - The Story of the Choir Boy who Became a Great Composer
- Franz Liszt - The Story of a Boy Who Became a Great Pianist and Teacher
- Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart - The Story of A Little Boy and His Sister Who Gave Concerts
- Franz Schubert - The Story of the Boy Who Wrote Beautiful Songs
- Robert Schumann - The Story of the Boy Who Made Pictures in Music
- Giuseppe Verdi - The Story of the Little Boy Who Loved the Hand Organ
- Richard Wagner - The Story of the Boy Who Wrote Little Plays
-love learning -your best ed lessons guru, Scott
4 Trigonometry Textbooks
4 Trigonometry Textbooks
Here are four freely accessible Trigonometry math textbooks, providing detailed lessons with explanations and solutions of the concepts and problems for the areas listed below. The Trigonometry 2 text shows the answers to all review questions at the end of every chapter, and the Trig 1 book has versions with and without the answers to the review problems. (say thanks)
Trigonometry Concepts and Subjects covered by these texts:
-love learning -your best ed lessons guru, Scott
Here are four freely accessible Trigonometry math textbooks, providing detailed lessons with explanations and solutions of the concepts and problems for the areas listed below. The Trigonometry 2 text shows the answers to all review questions at the end of every chapter, and the Trig 1 book has versions with and without the answers to the review problems. (say thanks)
- Trigonometry 1 Textbook 2nd Edition with and without Answers
- Trigonometry 1 Textbook Teacher Edition
- Trigonometry 2 Textbook with Answers
- Trigonometry Concepts Textbook -58 mb -better graphics
- Trigonometry Concepts Textbook -9mb -less quality graphics
- Texas Instruments Trigonometry Text Student and Teacher editions
Trigonometry Concepts and Subjects covered by these texts:
- Trigonometry and Right Angles
- Graphing Trigonometric Functions
- Circular Functions
- Trigonometric Identities
- Trigonometric Equations
- Inverse Functions
- Triangles and Vectors
- The Polar System
- Polar Equations and Complex Numbers
- Trigonometric Form of Complex Numbers
- Product and Quotient Theorems
- Solving Equations
- Powers and Roots of Complex Numbers
- Limits Involving Infinity
-love learning -your best ed lessons guru, Scott
Monday, April 1, 2019
54 Spelling Word Lists, Worksheets and Lessons
54 Spelling Word Lists, Worksheets and Lessons
Spelling words for children (and adults) learning how to read and write English can be a challenging task, for both learners and teachers. These 55 spelling word lists, worksheets, lessons and instructional materials will greatly help with this important part of language arts. Also included here are two spelling textbooks: Basic Speller Textbook for Student and for the Teacher, and Websters Spelling Book - transcribed. Some of these documents are only for in-home or classroom use.
-love learning -your best ed lessons guru, Scott
Spelling words for children (and adults) learning how to read and write English can be a challenging task, for both learners and teachers. These 55 spelling word lists, worksheets, lessons and instructional materials will greatly help with this important part of language arts. Also included here are two spelling textbooks: Basic Speller Textbook for Student and for the Teacher, and Websters Spelling Book - transcribed. Some of these documents are only for in-home or classroom use.
- 1st Grade Master Spelling List
- 2nd Grade Master Spelling List
- 2nd Grade Spelling Lists - First Semester
- 2nd Grade Spelling Words
- 3rd Grade Master Spelling List
- 3rd Grade Spelling List
- 3rd Grade Spelling Words
- 3rd Grade Word Study
- 4th Grade Spelling Lessons 1-10
- 4th Grade Spelling Packet
- 5 Spelling Rules
- 5th Grade Spelling Homograph Words
- 5th Grade Spelling and Vocabulary
- 5th Grade Spelling Words 1
- 60 Ways to Practice Spelling
- 6th Grade Spelling List
- 7th Grade Spelling Lists
- Basic Speller Textbook - Student & Teacher
- First Grade Units 1-5 Spelling & Vocabulary Lists Units 1-5
- From Syllables to Morphemes - Decoding & Spelling Vocabulary
- Grade 2 Spelling Words
- Grade 6 Spelling List
- Hands On Spelling Activities Level 4
- High School Spelling & Vocabulary Word List 2016-17
- Intermediate Spelling Bee Packet - Grades 3-8
- Making Words Plural
- Measuring Scale for Ability in Spelling
- Spell Master Grade 5
- Spelling Lists for First through Fourth Grades
- Spelling Lists for Grades 3-8 -2015 & 2019
- Spelling Tests Levels A-F
- Spelling Word Lists Level C
- Spelling Packet
- Spelling Practice Template
- Spelling Techniques, Rules and Lists
- Teaching Spelling and Word Study
- Teaching Spelling Rules
- Techniques to Use with Spelling Instruction
- Tips and Tricks for Spelling Bee Success
- Websters Spelling Book - transcribed
-love learning -your best ed lessons guru, Scott
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54 Spelling Word Lists, Worksheets and Lessons Spelling words for children (and adults) learning how to read and write English can be a ch...
This Pre-Algebra Textbook is for all upper grade students needing to acquire these math skills. It explains the concepts in an easy to unde...
This is an updated and well written Earth Science For Middle School Textbook, with editions for the Workbook, Teacher, Quizzes/Tests and Ho...
100 First Grade Reading Skills Activity Worksheets These first grade reading activities are designed to help families reinforce reading an...
Classical Greek Books and Stories for Young Readers Here are the best of Classical Greek books and stories for younger readers, all acces...